"And God created man in His own image….male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27
Well done, good and faithful servant.
Matthew 25:23

Jennifer Rose Messing
March 18, 1973 - November 20, 2023
Dear valued supporters of Into The Deep,
Many of you who have attended one of Into The Deep's many outdoor retreats, Theology of the Body presentations, and study sessions throughout the last decade, are well aware of the passion and love Jen Messing had for our Lord Jesus Christ. This immense love for our Lord was the fuel for her persistent drive to share St. John PauI Il's Theology of the Body, and the passion she had to teach each of us the true understanding of our identity, that we are all truly unrepeatable human beings. Just as St. John Paul II has given us all an inspirational example of what it means to suffer and 'die to self,' so too Jen offered up her time, materials, and even her health so that the Lord could use her completely as an instrument for the salvation of souls.
For those of you who followed Jen's CaringBridge webpage or have been in contact with her within the last several years, you may be aware that Jen had been battling cancer. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that Jen has now completed the final part of the 'race' and that our Lord has called her home. Visit here for more information about Jen's obituary and funeral arrangements.
As Jen completed her race, so too did Into The Deep. As an apostolate that embodied Jen's mission, the Board of Directors has discerned that this apostolate too will be fulfilling its mission within the next few months. If you have donated any particular goods or spiritual items in the past to Into The Deep and would like to inquire about them, please email us at info@idretreats.org.
Throughout the many years of Into The Deep activities and amazing partnerships, many wonderful lifelong friendships have been created. It is truly amazing and overwhelming at times to see how great and wonderful our Lord is and the response Into the Deep has received from supporters like you. We at Into the Deep would like to thank you for your support over the years. Without God's grace and your response, this apostolate simply would not have existed. The feedback we have received from volunteers and participants, due to your support and sacrifices, has been tremendous. Your response and contributions will forever be remembered and appreciated, and someday when we fulfill our own race and meet the Lord, we will come to know the full impact of these sacrifices.
As Jen has completed her race and fought the good fight, keeping the faith, I ask you to join the Board of Directors in prayer for the repose of her soul. As Jen supported us with such vigor throughout the years, let us with that same vigor, storm heaven, appealing to our Blessed Mother to escort her to her Heavenly Spouse.
With deepest gratitude and in Christ,
Board of Directors,
Into The Deep